Aggressive behaviour of the two European Argentine ant supercolonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) towards displaced native ant species of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, Sílvia
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2011 |
Aggressive behaviour of the two European Argentine ant supercolonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) towards displaced native ant species of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, Sílvia
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Ascertaining Key Factors Behind the Coexistence of the Native Ant Species Plagiolepis pygmaea with the Invasive Argentine Ant Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Abril, Sílvia
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2009 |
Ascertaining Key Factors Behind the Coexistence of the Native Ant Species Plagiolepis pygmaea with the Invasive Argentine Ant Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Abril, Sílvia
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Assessing the distribution of the Argentine ant using physiological data |
Abril, Sílvia
; Roura i Pascual, Núria
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2009 |
Assessing the distribution of the Argentine ant using physiological data |
Abril, Sílvia
; Roura i Pascual, Núria
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Assessment of the Argentine ant invasion management by means of manual removal of winter nests in mixed cork oak and pine forests |
Diaz Buitrago, Mireia
; Abril, Sílvia
; Enríquez Lenis, Martha Lucía
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2014 |
Assessment of the Argentine ant invasion management by means of manual removal of winter nests in mixed cork oak and pine forests |
Diaz Buitrago, Mireia
; Abril, Sílvia
; Enríquez Lenis, Martha Lucía
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Comparing Methods of Evaluating the Spread of Argentine Ants in Natural Habitats: Pitfall Traps vs. Baiting |
Casellas, David
; Gómez López, Crisanto
; Clavero Pineda, Miguel
2009 |
Comparing Methods of Evaluating the Spread of Argentine Ants in Natural Habitats: Pitfall Traps vs. Baiting |
Casellas, David
; Gómez López, Crisanto
; Clavero Pineda, Miguel
Ecological and biological strategies taken by the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), in cold seasons. Effects of winter nests management in natural invaded areas |
Diaz Buitrago, Mireia
21 febrer 2013 |
Ecological and biological strategies taken by the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), in cold seasons. Effects of winter nests management in natural invaded areas |
Diaz Buitrago, Mireia
Efecte de la formiga argentina en la pol·linització de diverses espècies mediterrànies |
Blancafort Pujols, Xavier
2 desembre 2005 |
Efecte de la formiga argentina en la pol·linització de diverses espècies mediterrànies |
Blancafort Pujols, Xavier
2009 |
Efecto de la temperatura en la tasa de puesta de reinas de la hormiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) bajo condiciones experimentales de monoginia y poliginia = Effect of temperature on the oviposition rate of the argentine ant queens, Linepithema humile (Mayr 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) under experimental conditions |
Abril, Sílvia
Efecto de la temperatura en la tasa de puesta de reinas de la hormiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) bajo condiciones experimentales de monoginia y poliginia = Effect of temperature on the oviposition rate of the argentine ant queens, Linepithema humile (Mayr 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) under experimental conditions |
Abril, Sílvia
Efectes de la invasió de la formiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr), sobre el procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes mediterrànies |
Oliveras Huix, Jordi
15 juliol 2005 |
Efectes de la invasió de la formiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr), sobre el procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes mediterrànies |
Oliveras Huix, Jordi
Effect of Seasonal Dynamics on Queen Densities of the Argentine Ant (Linepithema Humile) in an Invaded Natural Area of the NE Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2008 |
Effect of Seasonal Dynamics on Queen Densities of the Argentine Ant (Linepithema Humile) in an Invaded Natural Area of the NE Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2010 |
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2010 |
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, Sílvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto